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Patrol Campus
Campus Security Officers patrol campus property in a marked vehicle, as well as on foot. Officers provide a visible deterrent and active response to criminal activity.
Coordinate with Law Enforcement Agencies
Including but not limited to Chadron Police Department, Dawes County Sheriff’s department, Nebraska State Patrol, Nebraska Game & Parks, and the FBI.
Safety Escort Service
Safety Escort services are available to all campus students, employees, and visitors. A Campus Security Officer will accompany anyone on campus property who feels apprehensive about walking alone—24 hours a day, 7 days a week. See the webpage for more info.
Crime Prevention Programming
Campus Security will present programs to educate, inform, and encourage crime prevention techniques. The information and programs available include:
- Student, parent, and employee orientation
- Crime prevention techniques
- Personal property security
- Campus parking policies and enforcement
- Active shooter campus procedures
Maintenance and security of campus facilities are the responsibilities of the entire campus community. Officers attend to the college’s buildings and grounds with consideration for safety and security. Report irregular conditions, such as broken windows or locks, burned out lights, or other hazards, to Campus Security. Officers will respond promptly to safety and security concerns. Campus Security will contact maintenance staff about each situation.
Provide Crime Alerts
Crime alerts and crime reports are released when serious crimes occur that are considered to be a continuous threat to members of the campus community. When circumstances warrant, information may be provided to the campus community through:
- Emails
- Personal notification
- Fliers
- The Eagle
Receive Crime Reports
Any person may report a crime or suspicious activity to CSC Campus Security. See the webpage for more info.
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Drug & Alcohol Policies
Chadron State College is an alcohol and drug free campus on all property, including resident housing and parking lots. In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the college’s policy along with federal, state, and local laws that regulate the possession, use and sale of alcohol and narcotics is published in the Student Handbook.
Weapons Policies
The possession or use of firearms, fireworks, explosives or other lethal weapons on campus property is strictly forbidden and subject to criminal prosecution, as well as college disciplinary actions. See the Student Handbook for specific weapons policies.
Residence Hall Policies
Campus Security works closely with the Director of Housing & Residence Life, Associate Director of Residence Life, and Assistant Directors of Residence Life to ensure a safe residential campus experience. For more information regarding residence hall policies, please refer to the Student Handbook.
CSC Emergency Response Protocol
In Chadron State College’s continuing effort to improve a safe campus community, the iloveuguys Standard Response Protocol (SRP) has been initiated. The use of consistent language has shown to be effective in speeding up response to critical events.
Key terms include:
- Hold
- Secure
- Lockdown
- Evacuate
- Shelter
CSC has established a partnership with the Chadron Police Department for additional support. For more information on Public Safety, please visit the City of Chadron Public Safety website.